Abrasion & Wear Resistance white cast irons
Abrasion resistant cast irons are also referred to as wear resistant cast irons, high chromium white cast iron ,high chromium alloys, white cast irons and Ni-hard cast irons. Abrasion resistant cast irons have been alloyed to secure high resistance to abrasive wear in the applications of the mining, milling, earth-handling,excavators, impellers and volutes of slurry pumps, shell wear liners and lifter bars in ball mills
we at Joyyr cast abrasion & wear resistance white cast iron castings .like CrMo 15 3 High Cr Cast Iron abrasion & wear resistant plates & block to AS2027,High Chromium White Cast Iron (High Cr White Iron) or Abrasion Resistant Cast Irons to ASTM A532
1.CrMo 15 3 High Cr Cast Iron abrasion resistant block to AS2027
1.CrMo 15 3 High Cr Cast Iron abrasion resistant block to AS2027
2.High Chromium White Cast Iron (High Cr White Iron) – Abrasion Resistant white Cast Irons plates to ASTM A532
Tag:wearpart used for construction, mining and dredging,quarrying ,earthmoving, harbour, trenching, drilling and forestry and recycling industries,ming,pile drill head ,brill bit,foundation construction,Infrastructure construction,earth-handling,excavators,,abrasion & wear resistance cast iron,warpart
Tag:wearpart used for construction, mining and dredging,quarrying ,earthmoving, harbour, trenching, drilling and forestry and recycling industries,ming,pile drill head ,brill bit,foundation construction,Infrastructure construction,earth-handling,excavators,,abrasion & wear resistance cast iron,warpart